Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

Jacky's Chicken Stew with Dumplings

Obviously Jacky puts stock, albeit half measures, into this but you could substitute wine of water and herbs if you wanted. It depends how careful you are feeling about salt, obviously. You could use cornflour to thicken the sauce, and I’m assuming that you would casserole it for say 40 mins at 180 in the oven. If you used raw chicken then I’d do it for at least an hour and a bit.

“I cheated using frozen veg but fresh will do it just as well.
Gravy granules made at half strength or chicken stock – enough to cover the amount of veg you have.(Extra can be added later if required)
Potatoes, carrots, leeks, parsnips, peas, sweetcorn (whatever you fancy really) cut into cubes and placed into a slow cooker or casserole dish.
Whole chicken with meat pulled off and pulled into strings
Dumplings (Aunt Bessies in ours)
Bisto to thicken.
Place veg into your slow cooker and add stock with plenty to cover.
Add the chicken and stir well.
Cook for several hours on auto/low – not so long on high
For soggy dumplings (premade), microwave for 2 minutes and add to stock an hour before required and remove before thickening (same would apply if making your own).
For crisp place on top of stew and cook for an hour before required and remove before thickening.
Mix a small amount of Bisto and use to thicken

If using fresh vegetables then par boil or steam slightly first.”

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