Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

Sweet Potato

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with this orange tuber. I love it and it hates me. (Wow, what a cliché, I really must try harder with this blog…)

My friend bakes them all the time and they are delicious. When I try they seem to drip molten lava onto the bottom of my oven which I will possibly clean the weekend before we move house. No plans to relocate at the moment, I'm just trying to give you an idea of my housekeeping schedule.

The sweet potato stalagmites that litter the floor of my oven have taught me a valuable lesson, though. You can never have too much kitchen foil. (By the way, was kitchen foil much more expensive in the 70s? My mother used to get palpitations if she over-estimated the size of a roasting tray by a wasteful half-inch…she HATES watching me pull screeds and screeds out to lavishly double layer a grill pan).

Having given up on making a baked sweet potato that doesn't explode in a hail of orangey shrapnel, I now tend to cut them into wedges and roast them on the foil-lined grill tray. Toss them in olive oil first, and I have found that smoked paprika makes a sensational spicy substitute for salt.

Roast them at 180-ish if it's a fan oven, 200-ish if not, for about 35 minutes. Again, you'll maybe have to rinse them to cool if you are in a hurry.

Babybear just loves them, though. Being orange they are pretty messy, as they don't make hard chips in the traditional sense but remain pretty squashy. Oooh, I've really tempted myself with this one. We are SO having smokey sweet potato wedges tomorrow. With a salad, natch…

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3 Responses to “Sweet Potato”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think I might have sussed this one! My mum lived in NZ for years and calls em Kumara (apparently they have 3 types over there). She does them roasted in olive oil with Sunday lunch (unbelievably lush…) but she doesn't peel them – I think this is the key (even though she doesn't eat the skin but I do). We gave one large 'end' chunk (roast potato sizeish) to LO and he grasped the jacket whilst sucking out the molten ambrosia (am wondering if this might work with baked potatoes too as he loves new potatoes). He even ate another one for lunch the day after!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yuck on the sweet potato front, I'm afraid. It's one of the few foods that DS gets made just for him. I can't even pretend to eat the stuff. However, Lakeland Plastics do a heavy-duty oven protector thingy that you put on the bottom of the oven. It catches splats and spurts, and you can take it out and clean it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    i think you'll find they rebranded themselves to Lakeland Limited some years ago, Corriedale… that's you showing your age, that is…
    bad news about the sweet potato, tho' – do you promise me that you have tried it with the smoked paprika? It makes a big difference, honest.

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