Further to Morv's note about tortilla wraps being useful while on the move, might I add that Babybear enjoyed her first chapati last night and loved it. We've also been giving her tortilla wraps, and it's interesting to note that both Boomer and Babybear have the same approach ie folding the strips of bread up, winding any spare bits around their fists and jamming it into their mouths.
Actually, I particularly like the tortilla wraps because they keep well. If you are un petit peu anal (and I've had my moments, ladies) you can unwrap the whole pack and place grease proof paper or similar between the layers and then loosely freeze them so you can take them out individually. Some people like them unheated but personally I think they taste raw and deeply yuck unless they are flung onto a gas burner for thirty seconds or so each side (if that – depends on the burner, obviously) to lightly toast them.