So I went out, as advised by Rowan, to buy fish fingers but in the end could only get cod ones (don't they make haddock fish fingers any more?) which I frankly could not face eating as a Proper Meal. I did purchase them, to be fair, cos with baked beans and broccoli they are a fab lunch.
Thence to the fishmonger to get wheat were admittedly three very large fillets of haddock but my god… they cost more than a tenner. It's not like it was a gold-plated haddie or anything. Please don't lecture me about fish populations, I know they're getting rarer.
Anyway, being British I didn't say anything other than 'ohyesthat'llbefine' and handed over my life savings. Came home, poached the fish in some milk and butter and a bay leaf in the oven, knocked up some baked potatoes and wilted some spinach. That was the first time I had used cow's milk for Babybear so I didn't give her huge amounts of the sauce when I served it up, and she appeared to suffer no ill effects.
The fish and potato was a success (as much as anything is these days now that she's on a teething-induced hunger strike) and the spinach was dropped on the floor without ever getting near her mouth. Still, as my mum used to say (in a deeply irritatin voice, as I recall)… 'More for us'.
Posts Tagged ‘fish’
Fish, glorious fish… well, the world’s most expensive haddie
Thursday, November 16th, 2006Smoked Salmon
Thursday, August 17th, 2006Oh god, it's probably ALL salt, but we were all eating it at the time. And it was Loch Fyne stuff, nothing but the best and all that, but I happen to know that it is sprinkled with salt overnight to get some of the water out of the fish before being smoked, which can't be good news. Honestly, the remainder of the pack is in the fridge right now and I am scared to look.
Anyway, we dumped some on her highchair tray and Babybear was initially a bit sniffy about it, preferring to concentrate on the earthier delights of the spinach. It is quite a strange texture, I suppose.
Nevertheless, she did return to it and positively slurped it down in the end, while her father and I discussed if she would grow up with a brain jam packed with fish oils but knackered kidneys.
It's possibly controversial, and please feel free to beat me up about it, but I am going to try to relax about the salt thing. My great-grandmother apparently told my mother that all babies need to have a few grains of salt added to everything they eat, as it enriches the taste buds. Plainly ludicrous, but she must have done it to my grandma's food and probably my mother's and neither of them is on dialysis. Give me another two days and I'll start panicking about it again, I'm sure.
Anyway, if you are so inclined, read the ingredients label on your smoked salmon before giving it to your baby. If they like it, great, at least you'll know the whole family will eat if you are invited to a Scottish wedding. The only problem is that you will have to be able to give them a good wash afterwards. It is very peculiar indeed to have your baby smell strongly of smoked fish, let me tell you.
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Monday, August 14th, 2006How utterly bourgeois can you get? Sushi, by god… in my day we thought Findus Crispy Pancakes were exotic.
But really, she thought it was delicious. It was just M&S's little pepper round ones, while I scarfed down the fishy offerings, but she definitely enjoyed squashing the rice out of the seaweed and eating it. She had a good bash at the seaweed as well, to be fair, but in the end it defeated her and she pulled it back out of her mouth in an inky green ribbon. And millions of Japanese children can't be wrong…