Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

Posts Tagged ‘competition’

*drumroll* Find out who won the FB competition (and some news…)

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

So we had a comp on the Baby Led Facebook page to celebrate 6000 ‘likes’  (seriously… I KNOW).

Orange trousers?

My chum, the lovely and talented Charlie Meyer had offered us this charmingly bonkers image as a prize, and so it fell to her children to pick a name from a virtual hat, or at the very least make a bored, stabbing motion at the screen. And upon whom did their grubby finger alight?


Step forward Miss Laura Oakley! CONGRATULATIONS!  Make a speech! Oops, she fell over her huge dress! YAAAY!

We hope you love it very much.


(Also… I have another announcement. Brace yerselves.

As you may already have observed… we need to revamp the site. We (ahem, mostly mostly Jem) had actually done quite a bit, but it all had to get chucked for one reason and another and basically it’s all taking a long time. Money, innit? We can’t make the time to do it, because we’re not getting paid and we have mouths to feed.

So. The big plan had been to put ads on the new site, but unless we can make ourselves some time to make the site… we’re stuck.

New Plan.
We’re going to dip our toes into the ads thing (I’ve been refusing them for YEARS now) and see if that frees up some time for us. I’ll be careful, I promise. This whole thing, the site, the forum, the FB, the massively neglected Twitter feed… it’s nothing without you and no-one knows that better than I do, believe moi.  Stay tuned for further developments, folks.)

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