At about 5 ½ months I went to get Boomer weighed, I was instructed to immediately start feeding my undernourished baby (baby who is complete with bracelets of fat and double chin). I rushed home and started mashing everything in sight cat escaped relatively unscathed. Over the next few days Boomer seemed nonplussed about any of the tepid mashed delights I offered her.
I then discovered baby led weaning, I instantly loved the idea unfortunately it left me with the slight issue of what to do with my ridiculous sized portions of frozen mashed carrot, broccoli, sweet potato etc.
These are the few ways I have devised to use the frozen delights and still stay pure to my waste not want not ethos
- make that margarita interesting and almost healthy with a carrot ice cube
- soothe those tired eyes with slices of frozen broccoli
- be the life and soul of any party with pre-frozen comedy vomit
- have conscience free playtime fun with you baby and biodegradable building bricks
or alternatively sod it and chuck it all out