Fish, glorious fish… well, the world’s most expensive haddie

So I went out, as advised by Rowan, to buy fish fingers but in the end could only get cod ones (don’t they make haddock fish fingers any more?) which I frankly could not face eating as a Proper Meal. I did purchase them, to be fair, cos with baked beans and broccoli they are a fab lunch.

Thence to the fishmonger to get wheat were admittedly three very large fillets of haddock but my god… they cost more than a tenner. It’s not like it was a gold-plated haddie or anything. Please don’t lecture me about fish  populations, I know they’re getting rarer.

Anyway, being British I didn’t say anything other than ‘ohyesthat’llbefine’ and handed over my life savings. Came home, poached the fish in some milk and butter and a bay leaf in the oven, knocked up some baked potatoes and wilted some spinach. That was the first time I had used cow’s milk for Babybear so I didn’t give her huge amounts of the sauce when I served it up, and she appeared to suffer no ill effects.

The fish and potato was a success (as much as anything is these days now that she’s on a teething-induced hunger strike) and the spinach was dropped on the floor without ever getting near her mouth. Still, as my mum used to say (in a deeply irritatin voice, as I recall)… ‘More for us’.

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