Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

Spanish Omelette (with peas, because everything Babybear eats Must Contain Peas)

The thing I hate about making A Proper Spanish Omelette is getting the damned potatoes fried without burning the onions. Yes, you should do it separately but honestly, who has the time?

So I stick the potato in the microwave and bake it. Heresy, obviously. (Should I expect the Spanish Omelette Inquisition?)

Meanwhile, cut your onion into attractive segments and fry it gently in olive oil or, as Moomin would say, ‘the grease of your choice’. Mix up a couple of eggs. Chop up your cooked potato (who can be bothered peeling it, by the way? Not I.) Throw it in with the onions and fry for a while until the potatoes take on a bit of colour. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Pour over your egg and staunchly resist the temptation to faff around with it. You might have wanted to add a bit more oil before putting the egg in, by the way. Drop some frozen peas onto the uncooked egg, as popping something green into the recipe will make you feel like A Better Parent. Cook for a few minutes and then flip it or if you are too much of a coward you could finish it under the grill.

This makes enough for Babybear and myself for lunch, she loves it and it’s pretty healthy all told, so long as you aren’t avoiding eggs for allergy-style reasons.

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5 Responses to “Spanish Omelette (with peas, because everything Babybear eats Must Contain Peas)”

  1. rach says:

    ‘popping something green into the recipe will make you feel like A Better Parent’

    never heard a more true sarcastic comment before in my life…love it… and the recipe!

  2. Kitkat says:

    Brilliant recipe – I made this for my 3 children (ages 6, 5, 1) and all ate every bit. This is the only recipe I know of where my kids have eaten peas! They have no issues with any other veg tho… (‘cept parsnips )

  3. kerry says:

    I need measurements!!! Im not a natural cook so am rubbish at gauging this kind of thing.

    • Aitch says:

      I refuse! Just be guided by the size of your frying pan, really. Start off with a small-ish one, say a hand-span across. that will happily accomodate half an onion, a couple of medium potatoes and a handful of peas. Have fun, BLW is a cracking way to learn how to cook.

  4. Vicky says:

    Thanks for the inspiration. We went for onion, mushroom, grated courgette and a bit of cheese… He totally loved it!

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