Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

Rowan's (Mum's) Quiche

Rowan does appear to be taking the credit but I think if you read through the lines it’s perfectly clear who she has ripped off this rather tasty-sounding recipe from.

“My mum was a caterer when I was growing up and always had quiche
in the house so I was fed that whenever I was hungry,and as a result
hadn’t eaten it in 10 years. Unfortunately for me DH loves it and asked
his mum to make him some as I refuse to, so I had to rise to the
challenge! Munch nicked a load off him when he was eating it and loves
it. (Oh, and he says mine is nicer than his mums…ha ha).


Flour (wholemeal and plain)
Random veg for filling

Grate 2 oz butter into 4 oz plain flour (I use half and half wholemeal
and plain) and rub until breadcrumbs, mix with a little bit of water
until you have a dough.
Roll out dough and either make one big one or use a fairy cake tin to make lots of little baby-hand sized bases. prick all over with a fork to stop bubbles and bake GM 6 or 200 degrees until golden (about 15 mins for big, 5-10 for small).

Fill bases with grated cheese mixed with chosen filling. Bacon, or I use
chopped ham or chicken for less saltiness, courgette, tomato slices
(Iuse cherry toms for little ones, very cute), peas, sweetcorn….whatever really. Beat together 3 eggs and 100 milk and pour over filling until reaches the top.

Put back in oven until golden brown and a knife comes out clean, about
20 mins for a big one and 5-10 again for small.

Little ones are quick to make and freeze well, I tend to make a tray
full at the weekend, freeze half and the rest feed Munch for a couple of
days (well, what’s left after her dad nicks them all).”

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5 Responses to “Rowan's (Mum's) Quiche”

  1. Victoria says:

    This sounds like a great recipe. Unfortunately I just can’t make it work.
    I seem to be following the instructions correctly. The only difference I can see is that I am using wheat-free plain flour.
    Basically I blind bake the pastry and it just comes out as hot dough. I have tried baking it for much longer. It is definitely golden when I take it out but its never hardens? I don’t know what I am doing wrong?
    Any help?

    • Aitch says:

      i wonder if it’s the flour, then… although what is the point of flour that doesn’t bake? what is it made of if it’s wheat-free, and does it normally blind-bake okay?

  2. Victoria says:

    Thank you for replying. It must be the flour.
    I dont really know to be honest. Possibly rice? It does normaly work ok but i’m new to wheat free cooking so i could very well be missing something.
    I’m going to make them again with normal flour I think. She can have a little bit of them and the rest can be for my husband and I :-)

  3. Lu says:

    Fabulous! This was so quick and easy. Worked perfectly first try

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