Right, so at nearly eleven months we have finally dived in on the egg eventually (partly in an effort to ‘bind’ my poor daughter’s poo back to some sort of solidity, I admit). We are big fans of French toast in this household, but only, and I mean only, made with Scottish Plain bread.
If you think you’ve tasted white bread before, think again, for they don’t some any whiter than a plain loaf, in all its doughy, burnt-crusted gorgeousness. Stupid foofy cotton wool bread tastes weird with egg, I think, so try to get the doughiest loaf you can.
Obviously you know how to make it, just crack a couple of eggs into a dish large enough for your bread, fling in the slices and then prick with a fork so that it better absorbs the egg. Once you are satisfied that the bread is suitably eggy, drop it into some warmed olive oil in a frying pan and fry it until golden-ish. Some people eat this with sugar but they are mostly American. I’m strictly savoury myself.
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any word on when eggs can be introduced… is there a safe age??? I’m confused and new to BLW… =(
My pediatrician suggested BLW for my new one because I have known her for 9 years and she was great with my twins and now with my newborn, she’s fabulous.
She said that scrambled eggs can be introduced now for my son of 6 monthes.
Just always have Benedryl handy in case of food allergies.
from six month, providing they are cooked trough and your baby is already eating a variety of food.
I have heard you can also make this by adding some cinnamon to the egg, has anyone ever tried this?? I am very tempted by it as DD loves anything with cinnamon in :D
‘course you can, and a spot of sugar or maple syrup. (but that is v north american…)
In america I put vanilla, sugar, cinnamon, and milk in the mixture and dip the bread in that… very delicious!
I’d advise trying a tiny pinch of cinnamon if Baby hasn’t had it before. My LO refused French toast with cinnamon altogether (so sad I had to eat it then hee hee). The tiniest pinch of cinnamon is all he’ll eat in something.
Hi there,
can this be made with brown toast too?thx
Definitely! I’ve made French toast with every kind of bread I have on hand (it’s one if my fav’s)
Yup -it’ll be a bit nuttier but nice too.
I have read from 6 months if properly cooked. I gave my 7 month old scrambled egg and he threw up after it and got a rash on his belly so I won’t be trying it again till he is a year old. Egg can be harsh on a baby’s tummy but if it suits your baby egg is a super food for nutrition :)
as mentioned, over here in the US, we do a sweet french toast.. if you want to try it.. add cinnamon and vanilla to the egg as well as a spot of milk. also, instead of cooking it in olive oli, try cooking it in butter. when crisp, slather on a bit more butter and top with real maple syrup (none of that fake stuff). delicious!
Our Dr. recommends only egg yolk at 9 months old and wait until a year for the whites as they can be an allergin.I have always added a touch of nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla to my french toast topped with butter and maple syrup. Sometime I go for peanut butter as well :)
I cannot believe that you are advocating maple syrup or sugar for a baby less than a year old and then you’re worried about eggs. Try and stay away from sugary stuff for as long as you can for your babies.
Or not. It’s up to each parent, I’d have thought, although of course eggs are a known allergen and sugar not so much. And it’s not like breast milk is sugar free. (Personally, though, maple syrup’s not my thing. I like Scottish bread and Scottish salt with French toast am a savoury gal. ;D)
Anyone have a good recipe for Scottish Plain bread for an interested American?
oh my goodness, i have never even heard of such a thing. will google for you… we buy it here, still packaged in waxed paper would you believe? it’s a solid tin loaf, i guess.
http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.culture.scottish/2010-07/msg00204.html have a look at this…
Babies produce enzymes (pepsin and proteolytic) and digestive juices (hydrocholoric acid in the stomach) that can effectively breakdown proteins and fats. Thus, most baby’s should tolerate EGG YOLK since the digestive system, although immature, is well equipped to supply enzymes for digestion of fats and proteins in yolk. Children need high levels of fat throughout growth and development, they give energy and help children build muscle and bone and the cholesterol is vital for the insulation of the nerves in the brain.
For this reason cholesterol is great at times when babes brain is growing so fast-paced. Egg yolks, rich in choline, cholesterol and other brain-nourishing substances, can be added to your baby’s diet at the 8-9 MONTH mark so long as your baby tolerates it (if baby reacts poorly by turning away, spitting it out or if it causes skin flare-ups, discontinue and try again one month later).
Why just the yolk? The white is the portion that most often causes allergic reactions, so wait to give egg whites until after your child turns one. Don’t neglect a pinch of sea salt (not table salt) on the egg yolk. While many books warn against giving salt to babies, salt is actually critical for digestion as well as brain development and to supply a variety of trace minerals.
— taken from, “First Foods – How To Use Food to Nourish Your Children for Life” – Nicholas Smith, Dip App Sc, Dip Nut, Dip Env Med
Thanks, that’s very interesting, but of course the 8-9 month mark is just one person’s opinion. The NHS in this country has put no such limitations, other than saying that the eggs should be well-cooked, and advises whole egg from 6 months. Likewise they advise not adding salt to food (presumably on the basis that there will be salt available in the diet elsewhere). Obviously if you are following a book such as the one from which you have taken the excerpt, that wouldn’t be a problem, but it does perhaps begin to illustrate that taking information piecemeal from across books/the web/even other country’s guidelines can be difficult. So, as with everything… at the end of the day it’s the parents’ call.
I am new to LBW and am curious why is rice cereal good or not to give to a child 6 months and up. Please someone tell me the pros and cons and nutritional value. I have a child care in the U.S. and care for 4 infants ages 4 months – 1 year. Some mothers give prefer rice cereal and one mother in particular is very adamant about no rice cereal, so I have been doing some research and was wondering about the nutrtioanal value on either and if one promotes quicker development (which I don’t feel should be “pushed”)
Thank you and found your blog interesting and insightful.
I’m neither qualified nor madly interested in commenting on the nutritional content of baby rice, it’s there for some people to use if they want to, and for others to avoid if they do. If you’re doing BLW, you see, it’s all irrelevant, because you’re just giving your children whole foods, cut into fingers to start off with, and then they can grab handfuls or use baby cutlery. The main thing is that they’re self-feeding. I suppose you could give a child a bowl of baby rice and a spoon, but I can’t really see why it would be more appetising than a bowl of thick lentil soup and some bread to dip in it. Do you see what I mean? So much easier and more fun to give them the same food as you’re getting (bar salt etc obviously).
Why “bar salt”?
The NHS states that up to 1g per day between 6-12 months is OK. Although it is easy to go overboard if you are not careful, if the whole family decreases their salt intake and given that at the beginning the child will only have a little taste of this and that, salt is not really a problem:) Quite the opposite, if the family learns how to control how much salt they use, it will be beneficial to all in the medium and long term.
bar added salt, perhaps i should have said. a lentil soup made with ham stock will be salty enough.
I make my french toast with challah (very doughy Jewish braided bread, I think doughy is best!) a teaspoon of vanilla and teaspoon of cinnamon, 3 eggs, a pinch of nutmeg, and 1/2 cup of milk whisk that all up then dip the bread. I use butter to cook it and it’s truly delicious!Super easy and the little one loves it!
Brekkie tomorrow!
My wonderful pediatrician recommended to star BLW on our 6 month old daughter but I tried banana and cucumber the other day and she almost choke herself. Im so afraid to do this again but I’m wondering if thats the way they’ll respond since is the first “meals” or if Im doing something wrong and also what should be the first foods to start with. Thank you very much
Hi Caro, that sounds scary. Some babies (mine included) really don’t get on that well with banana, but loads are fine with it. If I was you i’d have a read up on Gagging (perfectly fine, if a little revolting to watch, and really their mouth’s security system) vs Choking (rare but horrid, silent and requiring of intervention). Have you looked into infant resus info? It’s really worth doing.
Avoid maple syrup for the same reason as honey – in case it contains botulism. Should be ok at one year old.