Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

EmilyInFrance's Gazpacho – DF, EF, VG

Because it’s a bit of a scorcher here, I made gazpacho for lunch, and because Lottie loved it so much that she actually got most of it in her mouth (and forced her spoon into my hand for help with accessing the tricky bit at the bottom of the bowl), I thought I’d send you the recipe, which is my lazy quick version of one in the New Covent Garden soup book. Put a pint of water in the fridge to chill. Blend together 4 garlic cloves, 6 tablespoons olive oil, 6 tablespoons vinegar and 50g of breadcrumbs. Put the resulting flavoursome paste in a big bowl. Chop 900g tomatoes, 1 or 2 peeled cucumbers, 2 red or yellow peppers, some spring onions (all quite roughly), and some parsley or other nice herbs. Add all of this to the paste. Add the cold water. Blend it all with a hand blender, leaving some lumps in OF COURSE because otherwise I’d be sending you a puree recipe. Hey presto! You’re supposed to serve it with croutons but I couldn’t bear to switch the hob on after making something so raw, so I just gave them bread and cream cheese with it. (and of course a smaller baby could have it soaked into bread)

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