Baby Led Weaning

Growing healthy babies with healthy appetites

BLW in the BMJ – New study says Baby Led Weaning promotes healthy food choices

I don’t have a lot of time to digest it all right now so I reckon the best thing to do is give you all the Actual Links to both the University of Nottingham press release and the article in the British Medical Journal.

The press pieces all seem okay so far but seem to be reporting the kids as still having been spoon-fed at 20 months which seems a bit… unlikely. I presume that this is a mis-interpretation of the fact that the parents were looking at what their kids eat after 20 months as by then weaning is well and truly over.

Anyway, as we say to our children faced with a bowl of lasagne, dive in…

Daily Mail from the paper that likes to terrify you with choking stories…

Guardian from the paper that likes to publish Zoe Whatsername saying we’re all loons. ;D

The Australian from the paper that likes to use eighteenth-century weaning terminology.

BBC slight erk at headline…

Press Association aaand here’s what went out on the newswires.

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7 Responses to “BLW in the BMJ – New study says Baby Led Weaning promotes healthy food choices”

  1. Jem says:

    Interesting how each paper spins this. And by interesting I mean I’m rolling my eyes. Just give people the facts without the spin FFS.

  2. Aitch says:

    oh yes… am surprised at the BBC’s unashamed tabloidism.

  3. Mummyrita says:

    Actually, I have friends who were still, with their 25 month old (that’s over 2 years!), putting food on a spoon and shoving it in her mouth. Friends of my sister-in-law, actually. If they were my personal friends I’d have given them what for. I think they couldn’t be bothered with the mess. Personally, I couldn’t be bothered with the effort of spoon feeding. I want to eat my dinner, not sit there feeding my toddler!

  4. MummyCanucky says:

    My sister in law regularly spoon feeds her son; he is 2 1/2 years old (29 months). She said he prefers it. Maybe he does, as he won’t sit still for more than 5 minutes at the table when he’s left to feed himself.

    • Aitch says:

      Maybe he does indeed… sometimes my dd2 asks to be ‘fed like a baby’ when she is very tired. even if she herself was never ‘fed like a baby’… ;D

  5. solac luftentfeuchter…

    […]BLW in the BMJ – New study says Baby Led Weaning promotes healthy food choices – Baby Led Weaning[…]…

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